South Dakota Cone Tornado and Storm Chasers
As this cone tornado crossed a highway near Plainview, South Dakota, storm chasers scrambled to document the moment, bracing themselves against the hurricane-force wind.

The church in the foreground was unharmed, apart from the toppling of its outhouse. I guess they build things nice and sturdy in the upper Great Plains.
In addition to the main tornado, this storm dropped several accessory funnels from the surrounding clouds.

An Oblivious Driver
Moments before the tornado reached the road, a minivan appeared.

Despite missing the tornado by only seconds, this vehicle wasn't moving particularly fast — just normal highway speed. Are South Dakotans really that cool under pressure — Oh look, there's a tornado. But I'll beat it by a good ten seconds, so no need to hurry.
Or, did the driver simply not see the tornado, despite it spinning in the field right next to the road? I recall seeing a video a few years ago of a tornado crossing a freeway, and a car driving directly into it. Maybe some people simply don't comprehend what they are seeing.
If only I could speak to the driver and ask him what was going through his mind that day.